Do You Know Me?

Take this test if you either think that you know me, or you are just bored and just want something to do. Yes I know the same stupid paragraph, just like the last one. It's just a filler.

Don't worry about what I am typing right know, because this test makes me write at least 100 characters in order for it to be made. And this one needs 150.

Created by: GERBIL
  1. When is my birthday?
  2. Where am I from? (Born, first house, etc.)
  3. What two college football teams are my favorite?
  4. My 2 NFL teams?
  5. What is my middle name?
  6. My dogs' names are:
  7. These are names of my horses except:
  8. What is my big brown goat's name?
  9. Where do I live?
  10. What is my four-wheeler?
  11. Who is my favorite NASCAR driver?

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Quiz topic: Do I Know Me?