The Scary Quiz Tales 2 (Mystery of the Red Ribbon)

So, this is the 2nd part of the scary quiz tales. Take part 1 if you haven't done so already. The stories are different for all the parts to come so you won't have to stress trying to remember what happened on the previous part. XD

The mystery of the red ribbon is about how you married a girl (you are a guy in this story) who somehow reminds you of the past and the red ribbon. You will get the story as you read it. I hope you enjoy.

Created by: Kish

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. It was late, you were having such fun at school, playing with your friends, such that you forgot to keep track of time. Now you hurried to the subway station, where you would catch the train home, hopefuly your parents won't be mad at you...
  2. Finally, a train pulls in and you pay for the tickets and get in. It was quite quiet, with only 5 people on. You sat opposite 2 muscular men and inbetween them sat a girl, roughly your age. The girl stared at you, an eerie stare, but you looked away. A few minutes later, you glanced back at the girl, and saw she was still staring at you. A chill ran down your spine...
  3. You looked at the girl again, and still, she was staring at you! Now, honestly, you were getting scarred. The train stopped at the next station and only one person got on, a woman wearing a red ribbon around her neck. Despite the urge to get off the train, you stayed on and soon the train left the station. The next stop was where you would leave the train. It was silent, and you glanced one more time, at the girl, and still, she was starring at you! You quickly looked away...
  4. Finally, your stop came. The doors opened, and before you could even move, the woman with the red ribbon grabbed you arm and pulled you off the train. Now you were confused, terrified and angry, all at the same time. Whats going on?
  5. The woman said, "Before you make any wrong move, let me tell you something, i just saved your life!". Puzzled you asked how. "Well didn't you notice asked?" asked the woman, "the girl sitting opposite you kept starring at you. You want to know why?". You answered yes. Things were getting interesting now. "Well," said the woman, "the girl kept starring at you because she wasn't alive. She was dead!"
  6. You were shocked. However, you gathered enough courage to tell the woman thank you, and went on your way home. Before she went out of sight, you glanced back at the woman and saw her tightening her red ribbon, then she boarded another train and she was gone. For a few days, you were afraid, you coudn't stop thinking of what happened, but gradually, as time went by you forgot about the incidence.
  7. 20 years later...
  8. You whistled as you strolled through the park. You were on your way to meet Sally, your girlfriend (incase you didn't know, you are a guy in this story). You took out the engagement ring you had in your pocket. Today you will ask Sally to marry you! One thing puzzled you, though. Sally reminded you of someone, you coudn't tell who, but she just reminded you of someone. And stranger was the fact that she never took off the red ribbon she wore around her neck...
  9. You met Sally. She was sitting on a bench, her red ribbon around her neck as usual. After the usual greetings you proposed to her. She said yes! A few weeks later you were happily married, and a few months later Sally was pregnant. Things were going great!
  10. One day, as Sally was sitting next to you, you asked her, "Why do you keep wearing that red ribbon". And she replied "I must never remove this ribbon. Ever!". After that day, life went as normal. But the red ribbon never left your mind. You started to think of a way to get her to remove the red ribbon...
  11. Finally, you thought of a way. You would buy her an expensive necklace, that way she will have to remove the red ribbon around her neck to wear it. When your anniversary came, you showed her the necklace. She was probably the happiest person on earth. You put the necklace around her neck. Then slowly you begin to untie her ribbon. "no!" she said. "i must never remove my red ribbon"
  12. It was bed time now. You lay awake in bed trying to figure out who Sally reminded you of, or why she kept the red ribbon on. You had a wierd feeling you would find out tonight...

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