Should you gain weight?

This quiz is for people who would like to know if they would like to be fat... Or just have nothing to do- lol - Please remember this is just an opinion.

Have fun! (Ok now I'm just filling up space I need to have a certaint amount of letters-150- so I'm filling up space with this.) :))))))))))))))))))) ok done

Created by: Idk of Idk
(your link here more info)
  1. You walk into a room filled with foods, donuts, cakes, fruits, veggies, anything you can imagine. What do you do?
  2. You step on the scale to find that you have gained 20 pounds... You look in the mirror to find a much larger version of yourself, with a visible muffin top that bulges over your jeans. What do you do?
  3. You step on the scale to find that you have gained 20 pounds... You look in the mirror to find a much larger version of yourself, with a visible muffin top that bulges over your jeans. What do you do?
  4. Your new skinny frame displays visible ribs. What do you do?
  5. You are kidnapped, and have two choices:
  6. You find your parents discussing your weight- they say that they are worried about-
  7. You look down to find you cannot se your feet! A large, squishy, massive stomach bulges out from above your jeans, overflowing on all sides.
  8. Do you want to be fat?
  9. Do you play with your belly?
  10. Do you like this quiz? Will not affect score...

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Quiz topic: Should I gain weight?