Our Standards for High Quality Quizzes

tl;dr Choose the right quiz type, use correct spelling & grammar, no "filler text", keep all questions relevant and don't reference the quiz itself, be sure the results make sense and are descriptive. Continue reading for all the details.

What Is "Quality" on GoToQuiz?

Quizzes are automatically scored on their quality when they are published. You can view your quiz's quality metrics by clicking the "Quiz Stats" link, where you will find this:

Classic Quiz Mutli-Result, and Test

"Quality Score" is the key thing here. Putting more effort into your quiz will generally result in A's and B's. But why does it matter? A better score doesn't just mean visitors will appreciate your quiz. They'll also be more likely to share it, increasing its popularity. And GoToQuiz will link to it in more places, giving more visitors the chance to take it. Your odds of getting to the front page, the Top Quizzes List, and the Trending Quizzes page go way up with a high quality score.

What Else?

There are 11 signals of quality we use to assign a score to a quiz, with some weighted more heavily than others.

Best of luck! Create an awesome quiz!
