Political Spectrum Quiz, Part 2

This is Part 2 of 2. Complete this page and you will get your results.

  1. The lower the taxes, the better off we all are.
    • How much does this issue matter?A lot A little
  2. Minority groups that have faced discrimination should receive help from the state to get on an equal footing.
    • How much does this issue matter?A lot A little
  3. It is wrong to question a leader in wartime.
    • How much does this issue matter?A lot A little
  4. Tighter regulation would have prevented the collapse of the lending industry.
    • How much does this issue matter?A lot A little
  5. It makes sense and is fair that some people make much more money than others.
    • How much does this issue matter?A lot A little
  6. Toppling enemy regimes to spread democracy will make the world a safer place.
    • How much does this issue matter?A lot A little
  7. The state has no business regulating alcohol and tobacco products.
    • How much does this issue matter?A lot A little
  8. If an unwed teen becomes pregnant, abortion may be a responsible choice.
    • How much does this issue matter?A lot A little
  9. International trade agreements should require environmental protections and workers' rights. (meaning: no free trade with countries that lack pollution controls or labor protections)
    • How much does this issue matter?A lot A little
  10. Gay equality is a sign of progress.
    • How much does this issue matter?A lot A little
  11. The state should be able to put a criminal to death if the crime was serious enough.
    • How much does this issue matter?A lot A little
  12. The military budget should be scaled back.
    • How much does this issue matter?A lot A little
  13. Economic competition results in inumerable innovations that improve all of our lives.
    • How much does this issue matter?A lot A little
  14. It is not our place to condemn other cultures as backwards or barbaric.
    • How much does this issue matter?A lot A little
  15. When one group is slaughtering another group somewhere in the world, we have a responsibility to intervene.
    • How much does this issue matter?A lot A little
  16. We'd be better off if we could just lock up some of the people expressing radical political views, and keep them away from society.
    • How much does this issue matter?A lot A little
  17. Unrestrained capitalism cannot last, as wealth and power will concentrate to a small elite.
    • How much does this issue matter?A lot A little
  18. It is a problem when young people display a lack of respect for authority.
    • How much does this issue matter?A lot A little
  19. When corporate interests become too powerful, the state should take action to ensure the public interest is served.
    • How much does this issue matter?A lot A little
  20. A person's morality is of the most personal nature; therefore government should have no involvement in moral questions or promote moral behaviors.
    • How much does this issue matter?A lot A little
  21. The state should not set a minimum wage.
    • How much does this issue matter?A lot A little
  22. A nation's retirement safety net cannot be trusted to the fluctuations of the stock market.
    • How much does this issue matter?A lot A little
  23. Offensive or blasphemous art should be suppressed.
    • How much does this issue matter?A lot A little
  24. Optional. Please share some info about yourself.
    • The information you share here will be averaged in with other quiz takers for statistics, and not any other purpose.
    • Select your age group:
    • Select your gender:
    • Select your country:
    • Select your state: (United States only)
    • Select your race/ethnicity:
    • Select your political party: (US, UK, Canada and Australia only)
    • Thank you, this information will let us create cool statistics.

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