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I want to say thank you to some people who have been nice things on the comments, that really made me happy, and I want to say good job on make good quizzes. I really like them!

I want to say thank you to some people who have been nice things on the comments, that really made me happy, and I want to say good job on make good quizzes. I really like them!

Created by: Angelica
  1. Thank you for being here right now because I need to tell you something!
  2. First, I am the girl who made the quizzes called "what job fits you?? by Angie" "Are you beautiful (GIRLS ONLY) by Angie" "does he/she like you? by Angie" "What mythical creature are you? by Angelica" (changed name) "Can you pass my spelling test?? by Angelica" "What candy are you!!!? by Angelica" "Don't forget the lyrics!! by Angelica" "Can you pass my spelling test?? part two! by Angelica "What is your superpower!!!?? by Angelica" "I can guess you gender!!! I can!!! by Angelica"
  3. Wait! First make sure you read the last question! I know it's long but you need to read it, it's important!
  4. Alright, I want to thank a couple people! People that have been taking my quiz, commenting (commenting NICELY), and I don't want to just thank them, I want to say good job on their quizzes! I really enjoyed them!
  5. First I want to thank and say good job to...Daughter Of Apollo! I want to thank you for taking my quizzes. You were commenting nice stuff and I really appreciate it! And good job on making stories! You know the quiz you made called "I would like to know something..", I enjoyed it! You were right. It's not fair for someone to work so hard on something that didn't show up on the newest list! I also liked your story. I didn't have time to read all of you stories because I was busy (Vacation to Ukraine to visit my Grandma) When I have some time..I will definitely read them all! :D P.S I think you should be an author! :)
  6. Daughter of Apollo, (or others) make sure you read it!
  7. Next, I would like to thank and say good job to...Sherbert211! Thank you for taking my quiz and commenting them! I really appreciate it! And I took your quizzes...I loved it! I don't remember, I think I gave it a 10/10 on your quizzes, but anyway...good job! :)
  8. Next person is Bex123! I love your story called school love days! I read both of them! Please do more! I can't comment you because I don't have an account..I'm too young! But I love your story! If you know her please tell her that I told her to make more! Or just tell her to look at this quiz!
  9. Now here are the people that I have been NOT appreciating.
  10. That person is SG115. Sorry but it's true. On my quiz tests you rated a 5/10 because YOU didn't get a good score. It's not my fault that you got a bad score. If you stop doing that maybe you go to the good side in my quiz :)
  11. That's enough right now. Now I want everybody to give a round of applause for the good people! Yay! I am proud of you guys!
  12. You don't really know who I am yet because I don't have an account yet. I don't have one because I am too young. I'm not like 7,6,8, or 9.

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