I think I don't want to change. They are no one to say that I don't care. Caring is not always protesting or bieng violent, marching for being veg. I tell you 98% of them are non-veg!

I don't care yes, not like they do. My religion is disciplin and it would be against my athouroties if I be like everyone else. Being different doesn't always mean to be funky ar cool. If you want to be different then be what others are not- good!

Created by: iknowiamgr8

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Ok so if you want to listen to my boring talk (which i am sure 95% will not be) Then you can stay!
  2. I think my boyfriend is cheating on me. He doesn't pick my calls! But enough about him. I know The next week he's gonna break up!
  3. everyday I feel I am distancing away from my world, those new tech I was once crazy about, I don't even know what's next! Actually i do now! Well, I was considered the person right to talk feeling, but now I sleep when someone tells me how sad or happy they are! It's like I don't remember hot to compliment or advise. I have lots of friends but none give a dash about anything else except themselves. All creeps!
  4. I have lost my gift of gab! i think there's less time I go mentally emo! The world is changing and with it, I am too.
  5. Many of my friends think so! And many want to suside.. but not me! I don't thnink its solution to go on blabbering about creep stuff! I always do what I think is right, I might not be right always, but I am never wrong! I will do what's right, I will live my life, I won't let my life kill me. Am i confusing you? coz i am the type if i talk too long i will confuse everyone!
  6. Death is not solution to life. These are both stages and if you quickly jump over to the next one, then (according to my belief) this always going on cycle will be imbalanced! We die to live, and live to die. Both factors support each other!
  7. My friend once thought of suside and she even wrote a suside note, I slapped her thight across the face, and i told her not to be selfish! That time she was only 12!! Why do many of us teens think we are soo mature and grown ups and what not! Why are we so ignorent and why do we only find faults!
  8. Why is it that we never realise that our elders are far more expeirienced than we are. We haven't seen the world, however much you think! Are we too stupid to understand this! no we aren't! We are just ignorant!
  9. Please comment and tell me what you think. Many of you will say that i suck, i am pretty sure!
  10. bye bye! sorry for being such a grandma! 0.0!!

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