Do you listen? Seriously, do you?

Ok, this is the truth about if you listen. listening is very important. you need to listen to survive. so live on and listen, ok? now take this quiz or i will...........

so, do u listen? do u really? i hope you get an a or b. good luck. pay attention. the quiz is pretty simple. have fun with it. be careful. you got this

Created by: personiam

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Hello. Do you want to take this quiz? If so, click "yes".
  2. Your mom says not to go out with a boy. You are in love with him. What do you do?
  3. Your mom calls you a brat. Somebody says your not a brat. What do you think of yourself?
  4. A boy says he's in love with you. He says it every day. Do you ask if its true?
  5. I am a very intelligent species. My name is person. Do you know who i am?
  6. Im going to turn 17 in August. How old am i?
  7. I do not want to give anybody any sugar
  8. In a 1 story house, everything is pink. What color are the stairs?
  9. you have a fridge full of alcohal, but your mom says u cant have any. what do you do?
  10. last question is.........
  11. Did u think this quiz was stupid?

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Quiz topic: Do I listen? Seriously, do I?