How well Do You Know ItsFunneh and the KREW? (2022)

Hello everyone! You are about to take one of the hardest ItsFunneh and the KREW quizzes ever made! Step into this interesting, fun-filled and 100% fan-made quiz for the best KREW quiz experience!

If this quiz is inaccurate, please leave a comment after you've taken the quiz. I will read all your comments and look up for more suitable answers. After all, I'm not the best KF in the world and am still learning and watching KREW every day.

Created by: KrewQuizMaker of Check out ItsFunneh and the KREW!
(your link here more info)
  1. Which of the following is NOT one of the KREW's favourite family vacations?
  2. How old is Alven (Floof) 2022?
  3. Lunar likes computer games more than drawing.
  4. Is Draco right handed or left handed?
  5. Funneh's favourite food is Ketchup Chips.
  6. What kind of content does Draco watch?
  7. Funneh can play songs on the Ukulele.
  8. Which of the following is not one of the things KREW does offline/offcam?
  9. What would Rainbow do if she was trapped in a room without her devices?
  10. Lunar's favourite food is xiu mai and mee goreng.

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Quiz topic: How well do I Know ItsFunneh and the KREW? (2022)
