Sleepover with the Krew Part 2 By Olaf...

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Ok! PART 222222! is here is you haven't answered part 1, Here it is! Ok, Olaf clum, you are clum, ENJOYYYYY!!!!!!!!! Guess this is the end, thank you so much!

If you want part 3, Please comment down : ) If you want, you can write in comment which krew will invite you to another sleepover! Thanks for today! love y'all!

Created by: Olaf's animation!
  1. Bells rings, You: OMG! How many people will ring my bell to death! You open the door rudely, It face the door on Draco... You: : O, Draco?? What the f*** are you doing here? Draco: Ouch! Well, I was trying to offer you if you would come to our sleepover again! How do you react to this?
  2. Gold: Dummy! (said to Lunar) Lunar: no you are dummy! Gold: No you are Dummy! Funneh: *making another youtube video.* Rainbow: HELP!!! * Burning fire on Rainbow's head.* Draco: ;-; You: ;-;. How do you react to this?
  3. Everyone do dares, Draco: Truth or dare Y/N!What ever you choose, you got truth. (Sorry if you like dare) Draco: Ok Y/N! Who is your best krew member ever?
  4. It's your time to Ask A Truth or dare to Gold!You: Gold you ready? Gold: Start it! You: Truth or dare! Gold: Dare!!!!! Which dare are you going to do?
  5. Funneh: Time to watch movies! Gold: Prom movies! Lunar: Backstorys! Rainbow: Bakery lifes! Draco: Well, I was planing to watch is what about the Afton Family? The girls: ;-; What is the Afton family? ( If you are a fan of Afton family it was a *oof* moment for you.)
  6. Time to eat a dessert! Rainbow: strawberry Cakes! Gold: Smoothie! Lunar: How about we choose POPCORN! Draco: Wait! How about we let Y/N choose? Funneh: Yes How about you Y/N? How do you react to this?
  7. Funneh: how about we ask Everyone questions? Rainbow: Y/N! What is your favourite cupcake? You:
  8. Lunar: Time to do some dares! You: I choose Draco! Draco: dare it! :D Which dare are you going to do?
  9. Draco: Y/N! You are going to sleep with.....
  10. Totally not meh: Say goodbye to the krew!!! (no effect!)

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