How Well Do You Know Harry Potter?

If you love harry potter like i do come and try out my new quiz to see how well you know harry potter! Subscribe and like and comment your results!!!!

if you love this quiz that i made than you should go check out my youtube channel called Savannah and Friends! And remember to subscibe and like! bye!

Created by: Savannah
  1. what is harry's full name?
  2. what are harry's parents names?
  3. what are his friends names?
  4. who are his enemies?
  5. what school does harry go to?
  6. who dies in harry's 5th year?
  7. who dies in harry's last year?
  8. who made the sorceours stone?
  9. who made volomort come back to life?
  10. who's the gamekeeper for the school?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Harry Potter?

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