How well do you know Harry Potter?

A lot of people know and love Harry Potter, but you have the chance to prove yourself. So.. How 'bout it? Want to take this quiz? .

Are you a true Harry Potter fanatic? You are? Excellent! Then you'll like this quiz! .. What's that? You are afraid it will be LAME? You need not worry, my friend!

Created by: Anita Showere
  1. For his 13th birthday, what did Hagrid get Harry?
  2. What are the four treasures of Hogwarts?
  3. What is Luna Lovegood's patronus?
  4. How many secret passages lead to Hogsmeade in Hogwarts?
  5. Which Quiddich team does Ron Weasley support?
  6. Whom did Harry marry?
  7. Which centaur took over Divination in the fifth book?
  8. What is Hagrid's brother's name?
  9. What happened to Dolores Umbridge?
  10. Which teacher temporarily went to Azkaban?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Harry Potter?