How well do you know Fallout

This test will show how much you know about the great big world of fallout and all of its secrets and mysteries that you may know or maybe you don't. This test will test you.

Fallout has gone on for many years now and for these years all you people who have played from the beginning can put your knowledge to the test and see if you could be one of the fallout super nerds

Created by: Mr J
  1. Which Fallout game was the third in the series?
  2. What is characters name in fallout 1?
  3. How is the oldest character in Fallout?
  4. Who shot courier 4 Fallout NV
  5. Who is Albert Cole?
  6. What year did the bombs drop?
  7. Which vault did the Vault Dweller come from?
  8. Which mutant appears in two fallout games?
  9. What type of robot was yes man?
  10. Can you drive any vehicles in any of the fallout games if so how many games
  11. Can you drive any vehicles in any of the fallout games if so how many games
  12. Which does more damage?
  13. Which fallout is you favourite? ( doesn't count to result)

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Fallout