How well do you know aj?

This is a quiz where you see how well you aj. Test it out! its kinda hard. But not too hard! have a good time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i really hope you like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

it should be very fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But for beta animal jammers... it would be pretty easy for you......... sorry................ :( :T :/ D: maybe you wont play

Created by: AJ lover
  1. What do you start out as
  2. What dose animal jam head quarters call themselves in aj?
  3. How old is aj?
  4. What is the non member den?
  5. How many golden discs do you have to catch in disc toss to get the puppy's effect?
  6. How much is a 3 month membership?
  7. What is the most used animal?
  8. Whats the most expensive item?
  9. What is the non member under water called?
  10. When did the diamond shop come out?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know aj?

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