are you a hard sleeper

There are a lot of people most are hard sleepers see if you are too by taking this quiz find out I hope you are see if you are too hard or too light of a sleeper bye

Are you a hard sleeper take this quiz and in a few minutes you will have your score I wish you good luck so do you think you are a hard sleeper find out if you are right or wrong nien or sie hope nien thanks bye

Created by: dsdh
  1. Do you wet your bed
  2. Do you sleepwalk
  3. Do you soil your bed
  4. Do you sleeptalk
  5. Do you have night terrors
  6. Do you have sleep visions
  7. Do you get sleep sick
  8. Do you snore
  9. Are you afraid of the dark
  10. Are you afraid of the dark
  11. Do you fart in your sleep
  12. Do you start in your sleep
  13. Do you take naps

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Quiz topic: Am I a hard sleeper