how smart are you

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it will tell how smart are you in my and you will need all my advise in this really hard, confusing and super duper cruper crazy and magnificent test

u can get asked these questions by tour friends well at least colleges friends so if you are a colleges you better read and take this test please!!!!!

Created by: Alex of
(your link here more info)
  1. whats 2+2=
  2. 90/9-653+652/6255-649*10000
  3. 874759+73287-4076*78/195+1725-7645*64759/17696
  4. 8845+87496*7287/3729-655
  5. 274/78*75-25+538*448233/2258327+
  6. 8525/2785*44.0885448-3512+254525-212/9
  7. 19585*2485521/36596+584853552
  8. 478461253/657*659633
  9. 985623*98745132-8652
  10. 6782102/54165*54

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Quiz topic: How smart am I

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