Are you a derp?

Are you a derp? Derp means not very smart. like Patrick Star from spongebob or Cosmo from fairly odd parents. I hope you're smart. These are very easy questions.

These are super duper simple questions. so a highly doubt you'll get 0%. but maybe you will. idk. I hope you do awesome! good luck! (I bet you wont need that though)

Created by: Mrs. Sparrow
  1. What is 1 X 2
  2. Do you know your age?
  3. If you are fally down the steps, what do you do?
  4. If your cat cut you, what do you do?
  5. When you are in class and your teacher asks you to read aloud, what do you do?
  6. what is 8+8?
  7. if your boy/girlfriend said " I love you" what would you do?
  8. You have no CLEAN clothes to put on! but you HAVE to go to the store, what do you do?
  9. Your birthday is in a week.
  10. Did you like my quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I a derp?