How much Joey Tribbiani are you?

It is allot of Joey wannabes out there. But you just had to be the one!! Practise allot and you will succes! Wach Friends and don't be affraid to meet girls! You only live once! Remember that! Good luck!

Do you think you are Joey Tribbiani? Are as cool as him? Can you have as much girl as Joey? Are you stupid? Test you'r self! Not every one is qualifyed to call them self a Joey! If you did'nt score high! Practise and watch allot of Freinds!

Created by: gvge606
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's you'r favorite thing to do in you'r spare time?
  2. When you are looking for a woman, how do you act?
  3. How much can you eat?
  4. When someone break up with you, how do you react?
  5. How do you look?
  6. Are you smart?
  7. Do you want/are to get married?
  8. What do you drink?
  9. Do you ever sleep with a girl and never call them again?
  10. Have you ever cheated on you'r girlfriend?

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Quiz topic: How much Joey Tribbiani am I?