How Much Do You Know About The Amazon Rainforest?

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This quiz is tesing you if you are either intelligent, smart, clever, arrogant or dumb about the rainforest. In this quiz I will be asking you question about whats either happening in the amazon or sad things like deforestation and why we need to stop this happening.

This is my third quiz! I really hope you enjoy it. I made alot of effort on this quiz and I hope you can give me a Smiley :3Thanks for reading this text as you may find it sometimes useful..

Created by: Valentina
  1. What is the saddest thing about the rainforest that is happening right now?
  2. What animals live in the amazon?
  3. If the whole amazon rainforest all gets cut down, what will happen to the human race?
  4. What do we need to do to save our world from polution and saftey for other animals and countries?
  5. How many layers are there in the rainforest?
  6. What are all the layers called?
  7. Where is the amazon located?
  8. Where are the Tropics of Cancer and the Tropics of Capricorn located on a map?
  9. What family is the Leopard from?
  10. What layer do birds fly on?
  11. What layer does a sloth stay on?
  12. How many tribes are there in the ranforest?
  13. What tribes are real?
  14. Mark one of these destinations that have rainforests in them
  15. How can you see how old a tree is?

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know About The Amazon Rainforest?
