What animal are you?

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This quiz is about what your dream/spirit animal would be and the results will be what you would be if you were in the rainforest, forest, desert what ever! This is my first quiz so dont expect it to be bad :(

The results will probobly make you try to play animals in your bedroom tonight and you will get in big trouble....But if you play this quiz you will make me very happy big thanks Bobintonsneebisnoice :3

Created by: Bobintonsneebisnoice
  1. What do you want your result to be?
  2. What food are you fond of?
  3. If there was a fight at your school in the middle of the hall way what would you do?..
  4. What would your dream element be? (this is still an animal quiz dont worry)
  5. Where would your dream home be?
  6. What would your dream power be?
  7. If your result was something you hated what would you do to me....(this is still about animals)
  8. What is your favourite animal?
  9. What would you do if your mum asked you to wash the dishes
  10. What would you prefer traveling on

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Quiz topic: What animal am I?
