How Much Do You Know About Sharks?

I just wanted to create this coz I love sharks! Thanks if you are taking this quiz! I love go to quiz! Thank you all again for this and I appreciate it!

Have you got what it takes to get over 50 percent on this quiz? I hope you do but just try your hardest and if you do be proud of yourselves! Sharks rock!

Created by: Happysharks
  1. How many blue sharks are killed each year? (Estimated)?
  2. What is the sharks scientific name?
  3. How long is a sharks lifespan in the wild?
  4. What does a hammerhead shark eat?
  5. Where are tiger sharks most found?
  6. How old are the oldest shark teeth found?
  7. How many teeth does a great white shark have?
  8. What is the smallest shark?
  9. How many bones does a shark have?
  10. Which shark attacks most?

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know About Sharks?