Super Shark Quiz

U may luv sharks but I may Luv sharks more than U. I'm tired of sharks dying beacuse of lame fisherman. I luv sharks beacause when I started Chemo they told me Kemo is like a shark fighting of the Cancerr

Do U wonder out of the three most deadly sharks, swimming in the oceans? IEDK, so take this quiz and find out.

Created by: Sharkman16

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. R people afraid of U?
  2. Do U like meat?
  3. R U the biggest person in UR school or home
  4. Do U like dolphins
  5. Would U want to protect our H2O
  6. R U tall
  7. Out of 1-16 (1 being the lowest, 6 being the highest) How do U like the Ocean
  8. DO U like it when sharks are finned
  9. What UR favorite seafood
  10. Can U do a flip

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