How much do you know about MARVEL?

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You might think that you know a ton about marvel. But do you? This quiz will really test your genius about how much you know about marvel and has all sorts of hard questions

Do you know a lot about marvel heroes?? You have had to read a TON of comics and you'll have a good chance of getting a good grade on this test if you've read the the marvel encyclopedia. Let's see if you do well

Created by: luke
  1. Did Charles Xavier die?? If so, how?
  2. Which important superhero died during fear itself?
  3. What is the name of spider man's clone?
  4. Which of these heroes were part of the Illuminati?
  5. Who sent hulk up to space at the beginning of world war hulk?
  6. How did Peter Parker die?
  7. What place does black panther rule?
  8. What is absorbing man's real name
  9. Who caused the destruction of the avengers mansion?
  10. What is the name of the guardian space dog?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about MARVEL?