What Marvel superhero are you?

There are many superheroes in the Marvel world, such as Ant Man, Thor, Captain America, and more! They all are unique in their own special ways, like you.

Which Marvel character are YOU? Are you strong and tiny? Or shy and smart? Well, look no further, because you're about to find out! *Just to be clear, I only have room for seven of the Marvel superheroes. I don't have all of them included in this quiz.

Created by: Rebekahh27
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you rich?
  2. Do you get mad easily?
  3. Were you ever bitten by a bug of some sort? (Besides mosquitos)
  4. Are you a thief, or ever stole something?
  5. Do you have a "token" or something special only you use, or even able to use?
  6. Are you smart?
  7. Are you shy?
  8. How strong are you?
  9. What do would you use to fight if you had to?
  10. Did you like my quiz?

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Quiz topic: What Marvel superhero am I?