How Much Do You Know About Geography?

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On this site there are a lot of smart and educated people. But few will overcome this quiz, and only those who believe in themselves and who can solve it, literally, with his eyes closed!

Are you the genius who can solve this quiz? Does your brain can withstand this load and learning? Come be safe, just learn and be persistent and it is the first step to victory!

Created by: Jovana
  1. What is the capital of Sweden?
  2. Who found way from Africa to India?
  3. What is a relief?
  4. How looks flag of Japan?
  5. How long is the Volga?
  6. Which sea lies between the Apennine and Balkan peninsula?
  7. Expel the intruder?
  8. What is the capital of Island?
  9. Are lowlands of northern Europe fertile or infertile?
  10. Which continent is the largest?
  11. Which is the largest lake?

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know About Geography?