how much alike are we

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There are many people, but few who are exactly like me. I am, of course, quite exceptional. What am I? I am someone with an extremely complex mind and can make exceptional quizzes.

Are YOU like me? Do you have the brainpower to qualify for that prestigious title? Until now you could only wonder, but thanks to this great quiz, you will find out.

Created by: divergentdemigod
  1. Are you female?
  2. Do you like to read?
  3. what is your favorite food?
  4. what is your favorite drink?
  5. do you like Disney movies?
  6. do you own/follow a fanpage?
  7. Do you marathon television shows on Netflix for hours on end?
  8. what is your favorite genre of music?
  9. do you enjoy school?
  10. How do your friends describe you?
  11. what color is your hair?
  12. what color are your eyes?

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