How Hov are you

What's a Hov? You'd be correct to say a special lane for multiple occupancy vehicles, but you wouldn't really be right. A Hov is a maveric of mahem in a world that's exactly prepared for dystopian diplomats.

Could you tangle with Gimli? Do you have the smarts to take a shotgun to Bud the CHUD? Do you even know who Bud the CHUD is? Sure, you can keep telling yourself you're a Hov, but if you prove your mettle with this quiz feel free to wear the badge with honor!

Created by: Larry
Personality Test
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you tall?
  2. Which musical artist would you most likely listen to?
  3. How many scars do you not remember getting?
  4. What's the first thing you do after waking up in the morning?
  5. PC or Mac
  6. Destroying the brain is the only sure fired way to kill a ...
  7. What is a CHUD?
  8. How big should boobs be?
  9. If you were in a band what would you play?
  10. What's the most important part of a damn good sandwich?

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Quiz topic: How Hov am I