Geometry Dash Facts Quiz

Are you a genius in Geometry Dash and its mechanics and creators? Then find out here by answering this quiz! In just a few minutes, you will find out how far are you in the game!

The questions are different. From different game creators, to updates, to RobTop and more! So get your wits ready in this quiz or you might be surprised!

Created by: KDLPro
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is the unique property of the ball that is not available on the cube?
  2. What are the six total forms of your character?
  3. Who is the number 1 creator in the creators leader board?
  4. What music composer or artist did RobTop ask to create the song "Geomtrical Dominator?
  5. Of all the forms, listed in no. 3, which of them has no upper wall?
  6. Who is Robtop?
  7. What is the name of the EASIEST level?
  8. "Freeze!" was heard in levels ...
  9. What portal is introduced in Update 1.9?
  10. Is the lenny face icon appeared in geometry dash? What form does it appear?
  11. How many levels are in the first release of Geometry Dash?
  12. How many icons do you need to kill to unlock those icons?

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