do you really know ethan bowen

ok this is a weird test. if you take it youll know why im saying that. so by the way this is really boring, typing stuff, and im only telling you that to be done with this. hi shelby

i am definetly in love with ethan bowen. it is absolutely the truth. and if there is some one out there who answers all these questions accurately, i must speak with you. anyway have fun and think logically. hi shelby

Created by: taylor

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is his favorite color
  2. what is his middle name
  3. how old is he
  4. which book or books is he reading
  5. what is his favorite thing about school
  6. which group does he hang out with
  7. is he a military brat
  8. what is his favorite sport
  9. what does he say when he anwers with a wrong question
  10. last quetion, is he right handed

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Quiz topic: Do I really know ethan bowen