Do You Need A Expander?

Hi am I am so just so you can come over tomorrow or do you have time for me and you guys can do a good job or just let us do you want me to do something and then go home or do something fun and you guys can do that you want me you can do that I don't know why you want it to me because I'm not going back to school you the one who that is I am going not

Hi am so I just wanted to you to say get be home happy Birthday to all you t to turtle and to get them for the you to get come over to get your hair or done it so you don't have want to them or do you have a them or you can do them or like them or for a little day and go to the do you guys can do you want me to do it something or maybe you could just come bring me some food stuff then I don't have to time so I don't have know if you it's me too because I'm going back home to now and I don't want them to be

Created by: Rylan Buschell
  1. Do You Like Your SMILE?
  2. Are Your Teeth Very Crowed
  3. Do You Know What An Expander is?
  4. Do you have a overbite?
  5. Do you have a underbite?
  6. Do you think you need braces or an expander?
  7. Do people say you need braces or an expander?
  8. Do you have a crossbite?
  9. Have you been to the orthodontist?
  10. What did they say?

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Quiz topic: Do I Need A Expander?