Your Once Upon A Time boyfriend

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If you love Once Upon a Time like me, then you will love this quiz! There are so many good looking guys on the series, but I have only chosen five for you.

This quiz is to tell you who you would end up with from the guys on Once Upon A Time. You can either end up with Caption Hook, Prince Charming, Rumplestiltskin, Neal or Robin Hood.

Created by: amy taylor
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you risk taker?
  2. Do you like romance?
  3. Do you tell the jokes or laugh at them?
  4. What age do you usually go for?
  5. What is your dream date?
  6. What do you love the most from below?
  7. What do you believe in?
  8. Do you believe in love at first sight?
  9. How does your man have to look?
  10. Which is the most romantic gesture?

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Quiz topic: My Once Upon A Time boyfriend