are you gourgeous pretty or average

"There are many beautiful people, but few true gorgeous. beatifying is, afterall, quite hard. What is a pretty person? A pretty person is someone who has an extraordinarily beautiful body, and is amazingly popular.

"Are YOU a pretty person? Do you want to know? well you could. because of this great quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out! just try your best.

Created by: kylee
  1. do you wear makeup
  2. do you wear something different every day
  3. do you have zits
  4. are you a tom boy or girly girl
  5. are you on the cheer squad or volleyball team
  6. do you take good care of your skin
  7. do you smell good
  8. do boys want to hang out with you
  9. do you have a nickname
  10. if yes to nine is it embarrassing
  11. are you popular

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Quiz topic: Am I gourgeous pretty or average