Are You A True Descendants 2 Fan?? :O

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Hello if you are doing this quiz you must be a big fan of the descendants movies! The way this will work is I will be 10 questions select the one you think is right ENJOY!!!!

This may be easy if you have seen the movie over and over again a lot but if you are new feel free to try again and again if you are new I hope you enjoy!!

Created by: Descendants Studios
  1. Where Does The first song "Ways To Be Wicked" Take Place?
  2. In descendants 2 there is one main new character added who is that?
  3. In the 2nd song "whats my name" who sings this line " ya know what they say bad girls have all the fun never learned how to count cuz I'm number 1 ready here we come"
  4. Which VK runs away to the isle of the lost because they feel they don't belong?
  5. In the song "its going down" what do Uma and her pirated want?
  6. At the end of descendants to what does Mal find out about herself?
  7. Select the One that is true....
  8. What does Uma turn into right before the song you and me?
  9. Who is most upset about Mal soon to be queen?
  10. Who is Evies little Bestie from back at the isle?

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Quiz topic: Am I A True Descendants 2 Fan?? :O
