Are you a Plant Girl, Beach Girl or Sporty Girl?

Are you a plant girl, beach girl or a sporty girl? Those are only three of the many famous aesthetics out there, it is simply just the tip of the iceberg. This quiz will tell you which one you are or which one you should be. Just answer the questions honestly and feel free to retake it as many times as you'd like.

This quiz can be perfect for any girl who wants to find out what her appropriate aesthetic is. The questions are varied and some might require more thinking than others. Just have fun!

Created by: Rose
  1. What sounds more fun?
  2. What is in your bedroom?
  3. What does your wardrobe/closet look like?
  4. What is your phone wallpaper?
  5. If you could change your name - which sounds the most appealing?
  6. If you could go anywhere, where would you go?
  7. How would you describe yourself?
  8. Your favourite subject at school is/was....
  9. What is your favourite colour?
  10. You are given a canvas and some paint - what do you create?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Plant Girl, Beach Girl or Sporty Girl?
