There are many bullies out there in this nation and throughout the world. Some reasons people may take up this action is because they themselves may be loners who suffer from low self esteem, have a strong need to want to be in control, lack empathy and pleasure in others pain, are heavily influenced by family backgrounds, been bullied before, is jealous, or have friends who encourage them to bully.

So, are YOU a BULLY? Do you think you're a bully? Have you been bullied? Just keep in mind that when you hurt people over and over again, your just becoming more and more like sand may scratch and hurt them a bit, but in the end you end up useless while they end up polished. Just think: what if the person you bullied grows up to be the only person who can save your life?

Created by: KpPATRICE
  1. Have you ever picked on somebody shorter or younger than you?
  2. Have you ever picked on anybody around your own age and height or taller and/or older?
  3. Do you laugh at others who have gotten picked on?
  4. Have you ever used physical action to gain power and control over another person who has not touched or slandered you in any way and not causing harm to another person?
  5. Have you ever used words, name calling or statements to gain power or control over another person?
  6. Have you ever used social humiliation to hurt peers and sabotage social standings without any good reason?
  7. Do you ostracize others by spreading rumors,manipulating situations or break others confidences?
  8. Have you ever posted hurtful images, made online threats or sent hurtful email or texts to another individual who has not done so to you or as far as you know anyone else?
  9. Have you ever committed one or more of the following?:crude comments, vulgar gestures of any kind or have made uninvited touching. (Without them causing harm or hurt toward anyone before?)
  10. Have you ever made fun of another person due to separation of race, religion, or sexual orientation?
  11. Have you ever made somebody cry due to your unnecessary inappropriate behavior?
  12. Do you want to...

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Quiz topic: Am I A BULLY?