Are ye fit for my crew

Do you fear death have all your sins been payed I can postpone the judgement a hundred years before the mast will ye serve so ye think that ye are worthy

Take the quiz to see if you are worthy to serve under the command of Davy Jones but be warned once every 10 years can we make port but any time after it will just the crew or me standing in a bucket

Created by: Davey jones
  1. Are ye willing to follow orders
  2. R ye willing to kill
  3. I do ye fear death
  4. Have all your sins been payed
  5. I can postpone the judgement a hundred years before the mast will ye serve
  6. Do ye feel good about scaring the living the life out of anyone that we'll come upon
  7. R ye willing to take the punishment for ye mistakes
  8. R ye willing to serve under the person who even the bravest pirate and sailor fear
  9. Will ye rate
  10. Will ye comment

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