What is your true fear?

Many people have a fear. Whether it be of snakes, thunderstorms, and even the fear of peanut butter being stuck to the roof of your mouth (I'm serious that's a thing), everyone has one.

So what's YOUR fear? There are 5 fears you can end up with, so let's see what yours is by taking 5 minutes out of your time to take my quiz. I hope that you enjoy!

Created by: Rebekahh27

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Your friend invited you to a carnival. You don't want to visit the...
  2. Your parents want you to go into the woods at night and climb a tree to destroy a bee's nest. You would hate this because...
  3. At night before you go to bed you...
  4. Your worst nightmare would be...
  5. You don't like being underground because of...
  6. One thing that would ruin your birthday party would be...
  7. Your least favorite activity would be...
  8. How would you describe the opposite of yourself?
  9. You hate school because...
  10. Do you like this quiz? (This has no effect on your final answer.)

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Quiz topic: What is my true fear?