zwinky quizzers get ready

there are thousands of zwinky users but only a few who actually see zwinky as a safe chat room and are a zwinky nerd. are you one? so please take this quiz and try your hardest to earn those voting points plase.

are you a true zwiny? well find out in this very wierd quiz and after the quiz count on the public to make you mr/mrs. zwinky. this quiz is tricky long and boring but worth it.

Created by: richard
  1. why should you win the contest?
  2. if you win what will you do?
  3. if you lost what would you do?
  4. if crowned what will happen next?
  5. do you think you will win?
  6. if you lose why do you think you lost?
  7. how does appearence affect you as a person?
  8. where do you think i got this quiz? best guest wins 5 votes automatically.
  9. are you tired of this quiz?
  10. what type of person are you?
  11. is this the last question?

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