zomibe qize 101

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you fide your self in a zombie out break you have a jeep and a pistol this quiz will tell you how long youll live and how you will die see if you will lie 30 or 100 days

are you ombie food no show them that you and your frinds that you make cqan live but at the end we all will die or go mad you cuse not them zmbies how will yo go

Created by: austinvanhook

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. where will go
  2. you find a guy on the side of the road fighting a zombie with a pice of wood: what gun do you give him
  3. you come a crosse your dad hes a zommbie
  4. you find a car lot what car do you take
  5. you come a crosse a women and she is with her mom(mom 97)
  6. you came a crosse a wepones store
  7. how far can you ran with soping
  8. what is the best gun
  9. you think youll never see any one aging
  10. 78 zombie see you and you alomst out of ammo

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