zombies will you survive?

there may not be zombies now. will you be ready for them when they come? take this test and find out will you be a hero or a dead-man? answer with what you know.

are you a zombie destroyer or the next zombie pet? do you have what it takes to survive? you can find out in my quiz i made here so find out. will you get death of heroism you can finally know!!!

Created by: duke

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. how do you kill a zombie?
  2. what weapon out of these will you use
  3. how do you be come a zombie
  4. can zombies learn to do things regular people do
  5. not all about zombies but what zombie movie is based off the game
  6. what do you do if you only have one bullet for your gun and zombies are every where
  7. if some one in your party gets bite what do you do
  8. how well do you think you would do in a zombie attack.
  9. can zombies communicate
  10. which of these transports would you use.

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Quiz topic: Zombies will I survive?