zombie survival quiz

did you know:genuises are smarter than just a smart people (they become a top on a school) did you know:being just a smart people is just ok because it does,nt matter if you are not a genius...

did you know that if you are somekind of a genius boy/girl... you have some of the brain power... only smart people do not have any brain power.......

Created by: Chicksman
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. someone close to you had become infected... you don,t have any weapon... what will you do???
  2. his inside... what thing will you get???
  3. then what will you do???
  4. what will you get in the things beside the cash register???
  5. then what will you do???
  6. what do you think is a stronger gun???
  7. what will you shoot using your gun you choose on #8
  8. can you create bombs???
  9. where will you shoot the bomb you choose in #10
  10. will you get in the door you saw???

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