Zombie Survival | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Zombie Survival.
Zombie Survival
Your Result: You Will Survive With Many Injuries
You have Zombie smarts. The first thing you do is gather as many weapons you can find, and a strong vehicle. Then you fortify a medium sized house with as much wood and metal you can find. By this time the Zombies come, you have no food! So you defend your fort strategicaly until you kill the horde. Come daylight, you quickly go to the grocery store and find that most of the meat has been eaten by the Zombies, so you gather whatever is left and return to your fort. You do this for years until all Zombies are killed. But you have a collection of life threatening injuries. And shortly after normal life is restored to mankind, you die slowly from many complications.
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grea t quiz!!Gimpy1 -
These are stupid no one would have a bunch of life threating injuries that kills them after the zombies are dead if anything they get injured from a bite and die quick or they fall down while running and get scraped but there aren't many other wounds you would get.
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