Your vacation quiz

Do you like trips? did you ever even go on a trip before in your whole life? Its fun to relax around the hotels and relax at the sunny beach. I wonder were you are going to.

Do you ever get home sick. Hmm.. your not telling me! You better do the quiz so I can find out! go on go on! I know you like vacations! Maybe even more then i do!

Created by: pie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you were going on a vacation, what things will you want to pack the most?
  2. Were would you like to go on your vacation?
  3. What transportation would you want to go on?
  4. Are you taking any kids with you?
  5. If your on vacation, how long will you be there?
  6. Do you like going on vacations?
  7. Did you ever go on a vacation before?
  8. Do you ever get home sick when you go on a vacation?
  9. When your on a bout do you ever get sea sick?
  10. Did you ever be to China before?
  11. Did you ever be to Columbus before?

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Quiz topic: My vacation quiz