YOUR Saving Rukia insted of Ichigo

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Theres a lot of bleach fans who wish they just could go into the anime or manga and be the hero! well you can and you are gonna save rukia! show them what you made of!

Are you brave, smart, strong to save the life of rukia? Heres you chance to take part and find out! Its all up to you myn friend! rukias life is in your hands!

Created by: thedarkness of YouTube
(your link here more info)
  1. Its up to you to save rukia insted of Ichigo, are you ready?
  2. Your in the soul society, but whats this? NO WEAPONS?! But a nice guy said you could have his? what will you choose
  3. Uh-oh, Its the gatekeeper Jidanbō! Do something!
  4. Your In! What now?
  5. Your fighting Ikaku! Go get him!
  6. You captured Hanataro! what now?
  7. Renji!?
  8. What this!? spiritul pressure Xd KENPACHI ZARAKI!?
  9. Byakuya! xd
  10. You saved Rukia. what now?

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Quiz topic: My Saving Rukia insted of Ichigo