your personality

if you want your personality check out my quiz!........................................................................................................./...............................

THE PERSONALITY QUIZ! ITS OFF THE HOOK!...........................................................................................................................................

Created by: kline
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. you just broke a
  2. your friends are having troble in
  3. you see a baby bird on the
  4. whats your hair color?....
  5. your driving past a horse
  6. today your a horse... you sneeze on a humon and your the
  7. you got a C+ on you
  8. Christmas is coming...somone ask you what you want you say...
  9. you friends dog just past
  10. everyone is wearing the newest cloths and styles but you... you...
  11. an animal fur is on the floor as a rug you think its...

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Quiz topic: My personality You can find more quizzes like this one in our Personality Quiz category.