your forbidden love part2

More mystery,love,pain,and power you will not believe what you are capable of and niether does he but it will be a bumpy ride trust me on that sister.

Motivated by my own experince with this its hard,dangerous,but at the same time fun and loving. Its gonna be hard to resist the rest of it your gonna want more

Created by: babygurl78
  1. You duck just in time to see the fire come right at your feel your body being thrown to the other side u open your eyes to find michael ontop of
  2. Michael gets off of you and they settle the beast down. They all turn too you to make sure your ok. You...
  3. You wake up to all their worried faces again but this time you only look at michael and attack him with thank yous and kisses,the rest of the boys look with jealous,and confused eyes you think
  4. You pull back astonised by what you just did who has your attention now
  5. After that little shocker you ask what is going on. Andrew answers but what he says is not what you were expecting
  6. They all wait for your answer patiently when you answer you cry out the words "why,why me why" the boys all try to comfort you at the same time you.....
  7. When they try to follow you,you say let me think
  8. You stray too far and get attacked by more than one person you cry for help when noone comes you make a flash of a bright red light and the person who had you yelps and let's go when the boys come too your rescue they stop in their tracks too astonished to continue what r you thinking
  9. You suddenly feel disattached to your body you call out to the boys but their staring at something behind you look back and see your body glowing the bright red you...
  10. You pull back astonised by what you just did who has your attention now
  11. You get back into your body and black out but your now in a place that's totally destroyed you see a figure who you know is john but its also not him at the same time

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Quiz topic: My forbidden love part2