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Many people say that there's right, wrong, and in between. I say, that everything is both right and wrong. You see, it all depends on one's perspective.

ynam elpoep yas taht s'ereht thgir, gnorw, dna ni neewteb. I yas, taht gnihtyreve si thob thgir dna gnorw. uoy ees, ti lla sdneped no s'eno evitcepsrep.

Created by: Angelina

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is my favorite color?
  2. What is my least favorite color?
  3. What is a color?
  4. What is not a color?
  5. What is the color of bananas?
  6. What is the color of the rainbow?
  7. The color of dark chocolate is...
  8. The color of your eyes are...
  9. Nuts!
  10. I have a confession to make,... I'm sorry to make my test like this, fellows. In reality, I am colorblind.

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