You might be a redneck if you take this quiz

So you think you're a redneck? Or maybe you're not sure what a redneck is? Did you vote for Bush? Do you eat spam for dinner? Do you go to family reunions trying to find Mr or Mrs Right?

Did you date your cousin? Name your daughter Billie Sue? Have cars on blocks on your front lawn? You might be a redneck. But just how much of a redneck are you?

Created by: 041580

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You live in a mobile home or would if you had the chance
  2. You think a quarter horse is a ride outside of Walmart
  3. You think safe sex is a padded headboard
  4. You think it's not incest if it's your cousin
  5. The people on Jerry Springer remind you of your friends, family and/or neighbors
  6. You've written something dirty on a bathroom stall
  7. You've been dumpster diving
  8. People have asked if you're having a yard sale but it's just junk laying around
  9. You have 4 or more tattoos
  10. The neighbors have complained about your christmas lights
  11. The cops have found you on more than one occasion having sex in a parked vehicle
  12. You know all the lyrics to "Friends in Low Places"
  13. You've ever given anyone a black eye or a hickey
  14. You think a six pack a bug zapper are great night time entertainment
  15. Your mother doesn't remove the Marlboro from her lips before telling the State Trooper to kiss her ass.

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