You gotta want it

I went to lay by the bay but found some hay and some my Aunt May. When I go to Wal-Mar, I am going to pick up some cheese, some potatos, and some hot wings. If you would like to come with me then RSVP by email or give me a call on the telephone.

One, two three four five six seven eight nine ten. Counting is fun and I like to count, does anyone else like to count. Don't forget to RSVP for Wal-Mart because I'm not buying things for you, you must come with me.

Created by: Dan

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Why did Dan almost get in a fight at a club a couple of weeks ago in San Antonio?
  2. How many times has Dan said he was gonna give up betting?
  3. Why can't Dan see his gf tonight?
  4. If Dan got so drunk and woke up with 2 kids, both girls, what would be there names?
  5. How many vehicles has Dan owned in his lifetime?
  6. Which hotel below has Dan NOT stayed at in Vegas?
  7. How many earrings did Dan used to wear? Does he still wear them?
  8. Why did Dan not get this nipples pierced about 7 years ago?
  9. This question is easy, pick C.
  10. If Dan could see 2 Bands come together to make one weird, but kick ass concert, Who would they be?
  11. For the last question: Does Dan help out homeless people?

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