Wu-Tang Video Test

This quiz is solely about Wu-Tang Videos. The majority of Vids are part of the ?z. I MEAN EVERY VIDEO IF IM MISSING ANY PLZ TELL ME!!!! Seriously, please tell me.

Do you think you are a true Wu-Fan? Than test your Music Video skills in this test which puts you against all Wu-Tang Clan videos, even "Careful(Click,Click)". That's right, even that one.

Created by: Ryan

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  1. In the "Triumph" video, who's verse has footage of the KKK?
  2. In the "C.R.E.A.M." video, what color was Method's plaid shirt that was under his jacket?
  3. In the "Method Man" video, what does Method Man do at the end of the video?
  4. In the edited version of "I Can't Go to Sleep", what sound do make to censor out words?
  5. Also, in the "I Can't Go to Sleep" video, which civil rights figure was niether mentioned nor shown in the video?
  6. In "Da Mystery of Chessboxin'" video, which Wu member was playing chess in a white Wu hoodie?
  7. In the "Gravel Pit" video, what was the name of the woman singing the chorus?
  8. For the end of the "Wu-Tang Clan Ain't Nuthin Ta F--- Wit" video, Who's verse was last?
  9. What color gloves was RZA wearing in the "Careful(Click,Click)" video?
  10. On the car that Ghost and Rae come in on the "Can It Be All So Simple" video, What does the liscense plate say?

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